edX is a joint partnership between The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Harvard University to offer online learning to millions of people around the world. edX will offer Harvard and MIT classes online for free. Through this partnership, the institutions aim to extend their collective reach to build a global community of online learners …
Digital delivery: CMO innovation summit
Thanks to Margaret Molloy for Eight Digital Imperatives for CMOs, a thoughtful distillation of a panel from the CMO innovation summit in NYC last week. I liked the panel’s focus on digital delivery – there are a lot of digital theorists and issue spotters in any large organization, but this panel focused on practical approaches for successful …
On Stanford & Silicon Valley
Interpreting the dynamic between Stanford and Silicon Valley, as broken down by Auletta’s article, is a bit like watching “Wall Street,” a movie that was meant as a polemic on what was wrong with finance but which inspired kids everywhere to become bankers. Sarah Lacy, Stanford, Silicon Valley, and John Hennessy’s Real Legacy
Find your mobile champion
Google has released the Mobile Playbook, which as they point out renders beautifully on tablet devices (or on what the rest of the country calls “My iPad”). Not too much new news here, and unsurprising but important emphasis on the rise in mobile search (25% of all movie searches are on a mobile device, for …
Must read: The Flight from Conversation
Most of all, we need to remember — in between texts and e-mails and Facebook posts — to listen to one another, even to the boring bits, because it is often in unedited moments, moments in which we hesitate and stutter and go silent, that we reveal ourselves to one another. The Flight from Conversation, …
Inside the Silicon Valley Gender Gap
The dominant element next to the piece of technology is some woman who’s scantily clad. It creates a hostile environment, and it also doesn’t reflect back onto the female audience that ‘You can be a founder’—but ‘You can be an object.’ Leslie Bradshaw, JESS3 founder, quoted in Inside the Silicon Valley Gender Gap
10 commandments for enterprise digital strategy
Today’s This American Life led with a selection of Ten Commandments for unlikely and rather specific audiences. There were the Ten Commandments for Gold Miners (“thou shalt not pan out gold from another’s riffle box”), for umpires (unsurprisingly, “keep your eye on the ball”), and Paris dining (“thou shalt not be too familiar with a waiter”). People …
[Mobile] March Madness
20% of browser-based (not an app) sports content viewed during the NCAA has been on a smartphone or tablet, according to Comscore. I’ve been thinking a lot about the second-screen effect, and how watching a show on a large screen TV is now often accompanied by engaging via a hashtag on Twitter or a viewing …