Friday 5 — 9.5.2014

By Friday Five

top 10 reasons

  1. Wondering why your iPhone app was rejected from the app store? Apple has revealed the top 10 reasons that submitted apps don’t make the cut. Placeholder copy is among the offenders, which provides good fodder for longtime foes of Lorem Ipsum.
  2. A common first step toward finding out what your website users value is to dive deep into existing quantitative and qualitative data. Why not also build your redesign in an open process alongside your users? The Guardian’s release of the beta version of its site, and its process of open and iterative change, has allowed them to engage its user base in the redesign process.
  3. Thinking of signing up for Twitter, but feeling daunted? At long last Twitter has improved its onboarding process, and made first steps for Twitter users easier. Now the process features compelling, visual tweet content, and points you to other users whom you might actually know.
  4. Apparently, men use the phrase “my zipper,” while women refer to “my yoga.” Language tells like these are among the ways that a Twitter algorithm determines your gender.
  5. With hacked celebrity photos in the news, it pays to brush up on basic ways to keep your accounts and files safe. TL;DR: enable two-factor authentication everywhere.

Weekend fun: As I type this, some 80 million of my fellow Americans are sleeping. This clever visualization based on data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics provides an interactive and sortable view of what other Americans are doing.

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