Friday 5 — 6.12.15

By Friday Five

What is code?

  1. Cancel all your meetings today and read: “What is code?
  2. Finished with item number 1? Then turn your attention to the Nieman Lab’s elegant explanation of Apple’s news initiatives announced this week at WWDC.
  3. Here’s why we should stop designing for millennials as if they were an entirely homogeneous generation, alien to the ones that preceded it. Instead, design for personas that represent attitudinal and behavioral traits, and then combine these with social, market, and emerging technology trends.
  4. Many recent changes affect how we use Twitter and are designed to entice newcomers, including abandoning the 140 character limit for direct messages and making conversations on the tweet age easier to follow. In an effort to cut down on harassment, Twitter enabled sharing of block lists.
  5. VR is here: Microsoft is releasing a real live consumer Oculus Rift headset with Xbox One controller. Gaming may be the first use case for virtual reality, but it’s certain that broader, transformative applications from health/wellness to education will soon follow.

Weekend fun: We send about 42 texts a day, and receive what feels like a million, some of which are inevitably personal and awkward. Now there’s a way to crowdsource suggestions how to respond.

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