Friday 5 — 9.30.2016

By Friday Five

  1. Black, teal, and coral: those are your color options for Snap Inc.’s new product, Spectacles—sunglasses with a pair of cameras. Your questions about how to use them are answered here. Will this be the breakthrough wearable device? Ben Thompson concludes that our wearable future isn’t here, and it’s probably not even close.
  2. I’ve often wondered how content gets into Google Knowledge Graph — those answers that appear in white boxes on the search engine results plages. Moz explains.
  3. Moments are curated tweets that tell the story of timely news and events. In August Twitter allowed brands to create moments; now this capability is being rolled out to individuals. Twitter explains its editorial review policies — each proposed Moment is individually approved — and a how-to guide.
  4. Selling the value of simpler and faster customer experience to senior management can be a challenge if it’s not measurable. Using a Task Performance Indicator process can help. One interesting insight: remote testing is seen as more valuable as well as cheaper than in-person testing.
  5. This week it came to light that people aren’t watching Facebook videos as much as Facebook said. Advertisers were predictably not amused. In unrelated news, some publishers are now putting the brakes on Facebook Live.

Weekend fun: If you’re a teenager, try out the new group video chat app, houseparty. (Kudos to whoever came up with the Solo cup app icon). If rockets and Mars are more your thing, Wait but Why has a long interview with Elon Musk. Slack is … an acronym?

Every Friday, find five, highly subjective pointers to compelling technologies, emerging trends, and interesting ideas that affect how we live and work digitally. Sign up for a weekly email.

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