Friday 5 — 4.29.2016

By Friday Five

  1. Product Hunt delivers nine tools and resources that tell you everything you wanted to know about Snapchat but were afraid to ask. These tips may prevent your head from exploding when you try to understand Snapchat’s user interface.
  2. New axiom: Anything can be GIFed, will be GIFed — thanks to this new tool from Giphy.
  3. Is it time for social media to move beyond the marketing department to a cross functional team model? I’d argue we’re long overdue, but org charts and budgets are playing catch-up.
  4. Organizations struggle to define the right metrics for content’s performance.This post observes that we’re mostly doing it wrong, and recommends ways to find a more meaningful approach.
  5. Notice a sudden drop in traffic to your site from Google searches? You may have been blacklisted for reasons ranging from inadvertent (hacked site) to bad practices (keyword stuffing). Here’s how to diagnose the problem and get yourself back in Google’s good graces.

Weekend fun: This week we celebrated Administrative Professionals Day — props to the Ghostbusters 2 content marketing team on releasing a funny, relevant video. Less LOL than substantive, here’s an interesting take on the role of humor and delight in interface design.

Every Friday, find five, highly subjective pointers to compelling technologies, emerging trends, and interesting ideas that affect how we live and work digitally. Try out the Friday 5 archive, or sign up for a weekly email.

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