Try it: Make the movie of your personal data

By General

We’re all posting, tweeting, and sharing more than ever. How might all this micro-content we publish on the social web be boiled up into a story? I came across two interesting services that make a movie from your shared content: Vizify for Twitter, and Foursquare time machine.

First, Vizify for Twitter lets you create what they’re calling an animated portrait of your Twitter activity — kind of a greatest hits reel for your account. Here’s mine and here’s where to make your own. You authenticate through Twitter, then Vizify finds the  tweets that have resonated the most, and creates an animation with audio. There’s a degree of customization — within the categories of photo, text, and video you can switch up the selection or delete an item. There are different soundtracks you can choose from based on a semi-cryptic set of icons.

foursquare visualizedNext, Foursquare time machine (co-branded with Samsung Galaxy 4) offers a slick fast-motion visualization of all your checkins. Rather than a highlights reel approach, this app tells you the full story. I had some trouble getting the stats to render, which might be a good thing as the restaurant:gym ratio over the past four years seemed problematic. Some of the motion is fun — your travel across geographic distances is rendered via plane or occasionally flying saucer. This application is positioned as a set up for The Next Big Thing, which is improved predictions of where you would like to go next. Foursquare has amassed a significant urban data layer without a clear revenue growth model — useful predictions might be one path to monetize that data.

There are many important concerns about, as The New Yorker puts it, the way we are all pole dancing on the internet. And as the Guardian pointed out last week, even just your online metadata tell a revealing story. Nonetheless it’s fascinating to see the kinds of movie-scrapbooks we can create today with the content we’ve explicitly produced and have opted in to share.

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