Friday 5 — 7.8.2016

By Friday Five

  1. A case for using paper rather than a purely digital approach underpins this article on how to get the most value out of wireframes.  The goal is to focus your energy — and your stakeholders’ attention — on providing feedback that is high-level and conceptual rather than aesthetic and over-specific.
  2. This insider’s guide to Google docs at work is pretty much advertorial content, but offers some useful pro tips for polish and enhanced features. I particularly like the slides Q&A capability that encourages participation.
  3. Snapchat is moving from ephemeral to permanent by allowing users to save Snaps and Stories to a new memories feature. Read how three publishers are taking advantage of the change.
  4. Avinash Kaushik provides three vivid, real-life examples — especially the United wifi one — to underscore his point of user-centric testing. It’s a good reminder that sometimes, even as data-driven marketers, you have to lift your head from reports, identify the most critical experiences, and try them as if you were a brand new user.
  5. CB Insights reveals lessons learned about crafting newsletter headlines, which include the shorter the better, and negativity sells. Most importantly, they tie the money to the math: how this data-informed approach translates into revenue.

Weekend fun:  It’s tough to be a brand these days. Get on social media, they tell you. Talk to the kids so they can hear you, they tell you. That didn’t go so well for a Microsoft recruiter this week.

Every Friday, find five, highly subjective pointers to compelling technologies, emerging trends, and interesting ideas that affect how we live and work digitally. Try out the Friday 5 archive, or sign up for a weekly email.

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