Friday 5 — 1.30.2015

By Friday Five



  1. Snapchat aims to become a force in mobile news with this week’s launch of Snapchat Discover. Here are some tips on how to use it.
  2. If you’re like 82% of people, you have forgotten a password for a website. Luke Wroblewski has a thoughtful piece on password masking, security, and our one-touch future. Because we’re not getting any smarter about passwords.
  3. GIFs are everywhere you look these days, as a recent investment in Giphy, a two-year old GIF search engine, confirms. Imgur has launched a useful new way to make your own (desktop only).
  4. Making the move from individual contributor to engineering manager, is not for everyone.  Noah Brier shares his thoughts on the need for pragmatism, balancing systems/scale, and a more general point on clarity of assignment.
  5. Think we should be taking videogames seriously? Don’t miss the astonishing growth in Twitch’s year end roundup or Steam’s announced $50M in earnings for in-game hats and maps. Pick and shovel plays galore as industries build up around videogames’ burgeoning culture and revenue.


Weekend fun: Not your average armchair quarterbacks, Harvard Business School professors suit up, kind of, to discuss the Super Bowl. Whether you’re a Seahawks or Pats fan, tune in at 2pm today for a Super Bowl-themed #HBXChat.

Every Friday, find five, highly subjective pointers to compelling technologies, emerging trends, and interesting ideas that affect how we live and work digitally. Try out the Friday 5 archive, or sign up for a weekly email.

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